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Showing posts from April, 2022

I love CCA days!

Coz Dragon and Horsie come home at 5 pm before I leave to fetch Monkey, i.e. plenty of time to do more work in the house, write or go out :) I love them to bits but it's great to have some time for myself too. But there is no CCA since last week due to midyear exams. And I realised that when Monkey goes to primary school next year, I would not have this luxury as Monkey is unlikely to have CCA. Enjoy it while it lasts! The Hub and I had a nice lunch date on the last CCA day

Cleaning the drain for the first time

I give our bathrooms a wet wash at least once a week, down from three times a week when we had a helper. Yup, not my favourite chore! But I do spot cleaning all the time, and the kids' bathroom often get more wet washes thanks to boys being boys. Anyway, I keep a trusty Ikea squeegee in each bathroom to sweep water down the drains. Each bathroom has two drains: one in the shower area and one under the basin cabinet.  Recently, water pooled over the drain under the basin in my bathroom. Uh oh, blocked :( If you discount all the cleaning I had to do after helper left, this was my first challenge.  That day, I really didn't feel up to clearing the blockage, as I was still tired from the latest kiddy COVID infections. So I swept the water into the bathroom drain instead.  The next day, I pulled up my sleeves and found three layers in the drain cover. I cleared out the top two layers.  Wipe debris off the top and lift up with the nail of my thumb The shadows are due to the cabinet r