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Showing posts from June, 2022

Is afternoon sun really that bad?

This has been a wonderful week, and not just because term 3 has started (which is great, btw!); after all that rain, I'm welcoming the sun back into our lives! One of our duvets sunbathing, cover and all We didn't know that three of our four bedrooms would get the afternoon sun (or 西照 in housing speak) when we bought this house. When we got the keys and saw the sun, we had the windows all tinted. Blackout curtains definitely but those were more for the kids' nap time as they were all still taking afternoon naps at that time. When we moved in, we realised that it got really hot after 3 pm as the sunlight goes about 1 metre into the bedrooms.  Solution? Aircon. But this doesn't affect our electricity bills: The kids napped with aircon with or without afternoon sun. Now that the kids are not napping, we are also not in the bedrooms in the afternoon. And I'm at home the whole day most days! Until WFH happened as The Hub converted a bedroom to his office. But even if the